Meeting Time: March 04, 2025 at 9:00am EST
Note: The online Request to Speak window has expired.
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

31 25-3391 Subdivision Requirements Waiver - 1905 Staples Avenue (RE# 00046930-000000) - Approving/Denying a request for a Subdivision Waiver on property located at 1905 Staples Avenue (RE#00046930-000000) within the Limited Commercial (CL) Zoning District pursuant to Sections 122-390 and Chapter 118, Article II, Division 2 of the Land Development Regulations of the City of Key West, Florida.

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    Bruce Baffer at March 03, 2025 at 6:37pm EST

    I own 1907 Staples and am most impacted.1905 Staples was created through an illegal subdivision. Petitioner purchased the property with full knowledge that it was not a legal parcel. They now request Council to retroactively bless an illegal act. Building a 4 unit complex on a ¼ sized lot next to residential zoning is inconsistent with the LDR and will have a significant negative impact on the public interest and adjacent properties. To declare an illegal subdivision as legal, will only serve to encourage future illegal subdivisions. City Council should accept the KW Planning Staff’s conclusion that the waiver request does not meet the approval criteria and must be denied.