Meeting Time: September 12, 2024 at 9:00am EDT
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Agenda Item

23 24-5815 *Approving the attached "Use Agreement" between the City of Key West and American Cruise Lines, Inc. for use of the Mallory T-Pier for a period of three years; Authorizing the City Manager to execute necessary documents upon consent of the City Attorney.

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    Brad Kurpjuweit 5 months ago

    Please approve. This is just what the people of Key West voted for. Smaller, higher end ships. They even leave Mallory during sunset. Sounds like a perfect fit.

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    Roxanne Wood 5 months ago

    Yes to this topic. We voted for smaller, less often ships and the American Cruise Line fits this perfectly and has agreed to pull away from Mallory Square for the sunsets. The activity of the celebration will not be effected since the ship will use the t-pier, which is not part of that event.