Meeting Time: July 18, 2024 at 5:00pm EDT
Note: The online Request to Speak window has expired.
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Agenda Item

5 24-5886 Conditional Use - 2011 Flagler Avenue (RE# 00045270-000000) - Applicant seeks a Conditional Use Permit to operate a medical office for property located within the Limited Commercial (CL) District pursuant to Sections 122-388 (13) and 122-62 of the Land Development Regulations.

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    John Johnson 8 months ago

    I own and live next door to this facility and have several questions. Most importantly is how parking will be controlled. It is understood there are off-street spots available however it is much easier to park on the street. This part of Flagler has very limited parking and we actually have to park on another street on trash days to accommodate our trash cans on the street. Will anyone be living in the building? On the building plan there are 3 additional offices that are not designated for the medical office. What will they be used for? What type of medical office will this be? What are the operating hours of the office? It says there will only be one doctor and one employee, is that all?