Meeting Time: July 18, 2024 at 5:00pm EDT
Note: The online Request to Speak window has expired.
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

3 24-5942 Variance - 1015 Casa Marina Court (RE# 00058690-000000) - Applicant seeks a front yard setback of 23 feet instead of the minimum required 30 feet, a rear yard setback of 15 feet instead of the minimum required 25 feet, a building coverage of 50% instead of the maximum permitted 30%, and open space ratio of 31% instead of the minimum required 35% to construct a single-family dwelling on property located in the Single-Family (SF) zoning district pursuant to Sections 90-395 and 122-238 of the Land Development Regulations.

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    John Marion Jr 8 months ago

    My name is John Marion, Jr. and I live at 1014 Johnson Street in Key West, which directly abuts the backyard of 1015 Casa Marina Court. I am writing regarding the variance requests by the owners of 1015 Casa Marina Court for a setback change of 15' in the backyard instead of the required 25' and for building coverage of 50% instead of the maximum permitted 30%. I would like to express my strong concerns about approving such a variance, as the setback building coverage regulations are there for a reason, and the variances are material changes from the current regulations. To my knowledge, I was not given notice of these variance proposals and heard about it through a third party yesterday.