Meeting Time: October 12, 2023 at 5:00pm EDT
Note: The online Request to Speak window has expired.
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Agenda Item

2 23-4664 Affirming/Reversing the City Planning Director's Denial of Peacon Lane Realty, LLC's Application for a Lawful Unit Determination for 329 Peacon Lane, upon the findings detailed herein.

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    Jo Bennett 11 months ago

    As a full time permanent resident of Key West I think it is time to stop rewarding property owners who have miss-used their property. I live in the same neighborhood as this property. This property has "played games" with how the property was being used for years. The Planning Board's Denial should stand. Please do not continue to reward property owners for their and previous owners miss deeds. This property will just end up being another short term or long-term rental being used as the absentee owner pleases without any regard to the surrounding neighborhood. Our neighborhood already has enough rentals.