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Agenda Item
20 21-6643 An Ordinance of the City Of Key West, Florida, amending Chapter 6 of the Code Of Ordinances, Entitled "Amusements and Entertainment" by amending Section 6-116, to amend definitions; By amending Chapter 18 of the Code Of Ordinances, entitled "Businesses" by amending Section 18-354, Section 18-355, Section 18-359, Section 18-381, Section 18-382, Section 18-383, Section 18-384, Section 18-385, to amend the Chapter to conform with Florida Statutes and add additional safety regulations; By amending Chapter 70 of the Code Of Ordinances, entitled "Traffic and Vehicles" by amending Section 70-1, to amend definitions; By amending Chapter 70 of the Code Of Ordinances, entitled "Traffic And Vehicles" by amending Section 70-119, to amend parking in undesignated area; By adding Article IX, entitled "Electric Bicycle, Motorized Scooters and Micromobility Devices" Section 70-901 to 70-902; Providing for severability; Providing for repeal of inconsistent provisions; Providing for an effective date.
This ordinance strikes a good balance between mobility options and pedestrian safety. Speed limit signage should be installed in areas of increased conflict to help educate all users. Additionally, effort should be taken to eventually convert “said public sidewalk … designated for multi-use” to actual multi-use / shared-use as defined by FDOT.
A reasonable compromise short of the best solution, which is providing safe and protected travel lanes along the 3 miles of North Roosevelt Blvd for bicycles and other micromobility devices. Imagine all the benefits of this type of safe and landscaped infrastructure instead of the speeding cars along the 5 lane dangerous highway that now traverses our 2 by 4 mile island. The speeding cars and highways should stop at the Cow Key Channel Bridge.
As supporters of bike, walk, transit and streets for people, banning the e-vehicles from sidewalks, setting a 15 mph speed for them on multi-use paths and lifting the moratorium on rentals are all the right thing to do. Kudos! I'd add doing these 3 things: 1. Install signage on the multi-use paths regarding the speed limit. 2. Engage citizens and visitors with education about where e-vehicles can and cannot be used, and 3. Because people ride on sidewalks when they feel unsafe on the street, embark on a broader project at making our streets safer for bicycles and e-vehicles by following up on the success of the Crosstown Greenway and implementing more elements of the Bike Master Plan. Thanks
This ordinance strikes a good balance between mobility options and pedestrian safety. Speed limit signage should be installed in areas of increased conflict to help educate all users. Additionally, effort should be taken to eventually convert “said public sidewalk … designated for multi-use” to actual multi-use / shared-use as defined by FDOT.
A reasonable compromise short of the best solution, which is providing safe and protected travel lanes along the 3 miles of North Roosevelt Blvd for bicycles and other micromobility devices. Imagine all the benefits of this type of safe and landscaped infrastructure instead of the speeding cars along the 5 lane dangerous highway that now traverses our 2 by 4 mile island. The speeding cars and highways should stop at the Cow Key Channel Bridge.
As supporters of bike, walk, transit and streets for people, banning the e-vehicles from sidewalks, setting a 15 mph speed for them on multi-use paths and lifting the moratorium on rentals are all the right thing to do. Kudos! I'd add doing these 3 things: 1. Install signage on the multi-use paths regarding the speed limit. 2. Engage citizens and visitors with education about where e-vehicles can and cannot be used, and 3. Because people ride on sidewalks when they feel unsafe on the street, embark on a broader project at making our streets safer for bicycles and e-vehicles by following up on the success of the Crosstown Greenway and implementing more elements of the Bike Master Plan. Thanks