Meeting Time: November 19, 2020 at 5:00pm EST
Note: The online Request to Speak window has expired.
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

4 20-5618 Transient License Transfer - One (1) license in Unassigned Status to 536 Fleming Street (RE# 00009440-000000) - A request to transfer one (1) transient license in unassigned status at Key Cove LLC to property located within the Historic Neighborhood Commercial (HNC-1) zoning district pursuant to Sections 122-776 and 122-1338 of the Land Development Regulations of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Key West, Florida.

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    Roger McVeigh over 4 years ago

    Vote no! Transient licenses are destroying our community. See other comments. Please emphatically deny and work to limit and reduce transient licenses.

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    Susie Rodnon over 4 years ago

    For reasons previously stated by other comments. Thank you for not allowing this unequitable transfer.

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    Monica Haskell over 4 years ago

    I concur with staff that this is not an appropriate request. It is nowhere near an "even exchange" of like for like units. Please, listen to your staff here. Adherence to LDRs and Comp plan is not a popularity contest. Vote no.

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    Eric Detwiler over 4 years ago

    The Spotwoods’ attempt to transfer a transient license from a 238 sqft room into a 3 bedroom 1,900 sqft B&B is just a money grab.

    This is just a shameful attempt to backdoor increase transient rental density with a ghost transient rental license that was invented last year.

    This is in direct violation of the Comprehensive Plan and the Land Development Regulations.

    A 238 sqft room is not equitable to be transferred into a 1900 sq foot, five-room mansion.

    This “will create a reduction in housing units for permanent residents,” according to staff.

    The impact on the neighborhood is not even considered in this application.

    And don't approve this with some ludicrous restriction.